Pierrefonds STINKS!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Monique and her team are Worth-less and we MOVED

This final, final post is in response to the last comment posted recently asking if our issue was resolved (posted anonimously so I cannot answer the poster directly).

If you read the final post previous to this one you will see that no we never got satisfaction from Monique Worth-less and her team of lackies like Bertrand Ward. So our solution in the end was to move. We have been gone from Pierrefonds for over a year now and are very happy. We will never return to Pierrefonds and most all our friends who lived there have also moved away.

I will no longer monitor this blog. Have a great time and fight the moronic sold out politicians we have in Canada at all levels.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Final Post, Monique is Worth (less)

Hi all, sorry for not posting for so long. This will be my final post since now we do not live in the stink anymore, we MOVED in June 2007. Yes, it was 99% because of the damn stink from the landfill site on Oakwood street.

I went to the city council meeting on December 4th, 2006. It became very clear between the bullshit coming from Monique Worth and the verbal diarrhea from Bertrand Ward that these guys are worthless in the resolution of the stink issue. I was ready get in their face, but my wife suggested we avoid such negative behavior and move. So we did. We will never live in Pierrefonds again. Almost all our friends who lived there have also moved.

So this is goodbye to all, particularly to Monique Worth (less) and Bertrand Ward, the two main culprits in this fiasco, other than the disrespectul jerks at the L.E.E.P.

Thank you to all who have read this blog and posted comments.

Friday, November 17, 2006

On Your Side follow up

Finally got a chance to post since the report. I apologize for not posting more often, but after a full day of work and life I find it difficult to post in a relatively polite manner given the pathetic stink situation. It's sad when the victims must conduct themselves in a more civil manner than the elected politicians who do not give a damn about their constituants.

I thank Todd van der Heyden and the whole team at "On Your Side" for a great report. I particularly liked the helicopter "going over their heads". I would also like to thank Monique Worth and Gilles Mousseau for looking like the real idiots I believe they are in this matter, and for both admitting publicly that the landfill causes odours which decrease the quality of life in the neighborhood. The full transcript of the report can be found here on the CTV web site. I also kept a digital copy of the report which is now also backed up for my amusement, I will be sure to show it to all our friends and family when they visit. Thank you also for displaying the address of our little stink blog so prominently. Very strange that Todd had to get airborne to see the landfill, what might Mousseau have to hide... I wonder.

My only comments regarding the report is that it leaves the impression that these idiots actually will resolve the situation in the relatively near future and it did not address compensation for the last 2 years if hell we have been living in the area of the landfill. Maybe an opportunity for a follow up report in the future.

I will be writing to the mentioned idiots as a follow up shortly. I was also planning to show up at the "special" session of the burrough council at 16:00 on Monday November 20th. I was in contact with Suzanne Corbeil today and it seems that meeting will basically aprove a "special" tax to cover the fiscal shortcoming dating back to 2005. I'm puzzled since Monique Worth issued a public notice (here) where the burrough had a surplus for fiscal 2005 thanks mainly to the infamous L.E.E.P. It's weird, it bascically seems like we're screwed. I just might still show up and ask a few "choice" questions. I am definitely planning to attend the council meeting of Decemeber 4th and I invite all to come with me to ask the council idiots about compensation for the pathetic past 2 years relating to the stink infiltrating our homes.

In one e-mail exchange I had with Monique Worth, she mentioned that she felt "beyond reproach" because they consulted with "experts". I would like to meet these moronic experts who seem to not know that the landfill would create foul odors for the neighbors and that gas wells would help. Gee, some experts. Beyond that, some wonderful politicians who claim to be "beyond reproach" based on the opinions of such high class "experts". These politicians must go at the next elections.

Well that is my rant for tonight. I hope I managed to remain relatively polite. I will try to post more often, especially that we must protest this pathetic situation, possibly with a tax revolt in the area. By the way, I have still received no response to my last e-mail message sent to Monique Worth, Gilles Mousseau and Gerald Tremblay. How strange...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

CTV On Your Side

I just found out that CTV's Todd van der Heyden's report about the infamous Pierrefonds landfill will air on CFCF (Channel 12 in Montreal) tomorrow, Wednesday November 8th, on the 6:00PM CTV news show.

The infamous mayor of the burrough, Monique Worth, the landfill owner Gilles Mousseau and a few residents were interviewed. We were out of town at the time, but this blog may be mentioned.

Tell your friends and family. Some larger media coverage of this pathetic stinky situation.

By the way, I have had absolutely no response to my last message. They really respect us residents who live with the stink and pay our taxes in full.

And it stinks!

Well, just after I posted that the report will air tomorrow on CFCF, IT STINKS AGAIN!

These twits at the city and the L.E.E.P., particularly Monique Worth and Gilles Mousseau are really useless and disrespectful of us poor idiot citizens. I am also certain that the lovely politicians will raise our taxes for 2007. I'm waiting for Worth, she better come up with some compensation.

When I spoke in 2005 with Bertrand Ward about compensation, his lame excuse was that it would be compilcated to figure out who gets compensated. WOW! What a moronic answer. Because something is difficult, they'll keep the money. How convenient. If humanity had always lived this way we would still live in caves and not have fire yet. So much for large brains and opposable thumbs! I think politicians lose the first one once elected, at least in Montreal.

This will end.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm not done yet

Well Mr. Gilles Mousseau, the head of the L.E.E.P. sent a silly little brochure in the mail entitled "For a permanent resolution to the problem of odours emanating from the Oakwood Street landfill". What a crock. He claims that actions are being taken now, how come now? Why not since the site first started as a landfill? The problem of odours emanating from landfills was only discovered since 2004? Give me a break.

To top it all off our roll evaluation for our property has gone up 46%, can you spell tax grab? Beyond the fact that Gerald Tremblay and his cronies, in this case Monique Worth and Bertrand Ward, continue to allow or even encourage the stink in our area, when are these magical economies of scale going to show up? Wasn't that one of the main arguments for the damn forced mergers? As usual we're being taken for a ride by the politicians.

I also signed the petition against the name change for Avenue du Parc that Tremblay is trying to shove down citizens' throat, if for nothing else than to thwart the plans of this disrespectful administration.

Anyway, I'm ranting yet again, so without further ado, here is the latest message I sent to the illustrious Gilles Mousseau and Monique Worth:

Bonjour monsieur Mousseau & madame Worth,

M Mousseau, merci pour le joli petit cahier que vous nous avez
envoyé. Il comprend de belles photos, mais c'est dommage pour le
contenu. La semaine dernière l'air était infecte à l'extérieur
de notre demeure et de nouveau hier soir. Quel bonheur, nous
avons eu droit à une semaine sans odeur à notre demeure. Votre
incompétence à régler le problème depuis 2000 est flagrante. Le
H2S était présent avant le feu à la fin de 2004. Le H2S est une
conséquence bien connue des sites d'enfouissement depuis bien
avant 1999. Vous le saviez lorsque vous vous êtes lancé dans
cette affaire. C'est seulement après le feu de la fin de 2004
que vous avez mis les mesures d'urgences en place et seulement
maintenant (automne 2006) que vous promettez les capteurs de
biogaz. Ne pensez vous pas que ce genre de mesures auraient dû
être mis en place dès le début de l'exploitation du site?

La L.E.E.P. a maintenant un beau nouveau petit site internet.
Vous l'avez déjà modifié. C'est étrange que vous ne souhaitez
plus la bienvenue aux investisseurs. Avez vous changer d'avis?
Avez vous seulement les intérêts de vos investisseurs à coeur?
J'espère pour eux qu'ils seront plus respectés que les voisins du
site d'enfouissement. Comment se fait il que c'est seulement
maintenant que vous envoyez ce petit cahier inutile, alors que
vous mettez les capteurs de biogaz en place? Est-ce parce que
finalement les médias s'en mêlent ou parce que vous avez des
actionnaires, ou encore parce que Rona l'Entrepôt se construit en
face du site? Toutes ces raisons sont meilleures que les
citoyens imbéciles qui habitent les environs de votre foutu trou!
J'aurai cru qu'un site qui se «situe à l'avant-garde nord
américaine en matière d'aménagement technique pour la gestion des
débris de construction et de démolition» aurait ce type de
mesures en place dès le début de ses opérations. J'ai réussi à
garder une copie de votre page d'accueil initiale où vous
souhaitez la bienvenue aux investisseurs, juste pour mes archives
et mon blog.

Dans le dernier article au sujet du site paru dans «Cités
Nouvelles» vous mentionnez vouloir élargir le décret de la
L.E.E.P. Vous me faites rire! Vous n'êtes même pas en mesure de
ne pas nous empester avec le décret actuel, et vous voulez
l'élargir? Vous êtes farfelu de penser que nous les citoyens,
accepterons le tout sans broncher. Il existe certainement une
loi qui ne permet pas d'empester le voisinage. Peut-être devront
nous vous faire arrêter?

Mme Worth, vous continuez de permettre cet état de puanteur au
sein de notre foyer. Quelle joie de vivre dans ce bel
arrondissement si bien géré. C'est d'autant plus plaisant avec
l'augmentation de l'évaluation de notre propriété de 46%.
Allez vous vraiment avoir le culot d'augmenter nos taxes 2007?
Avant de poser ce geste deux évènements DOIVENT se produire avant
la fin de 2006: que nous soyons compensé pour avoir vécu dans cet
environnement depuis six ans et que les odeurs n'arrivent plus à
notre demeure!

Jusqu'à maintenant je me suis battu seulement pour la cause de
notre demeure, mais si les deux évènements mentionnés ci-haut ne
se produisent pas je vais agrandir mon «décret». J'en suis
rendue au point de vouloir organiser, en autre, une révolte de
taxes avec l'appui de résidents. Ne soyez pas surprise de me
rencontrer aux réunions du conseil d'administration.

Je suis convaincu que le fait que vous avouez ouvertement que
c'est grâce à la L.E.E.P. que l'arrondissement a un surplus pour
2005 n'affecte d'aucune façon votre inaction dans ce présent
dossier. On ne doit pas parler de corruption, mais avouez que
c'est louche et que cela démontre un manque d'intérêt à régler ce
problème pour vos citoyens subissant le tout. J'espère que
l'effort de «gymnastique» requis pour le budget 2007 tel que
mentionné dans l'article du journal «The Chronicle» ne veut pas
dire une augmentation de nos taxes. Les taxes devraient être
baissées pour les résidents qui endurent encore la puanteur. Si
vous aviez du cran et de la décence, nos taxes de 2007 devraient
être nulle. Ça ne serait à peine juste pour l'enfer que nous
avons vécu particulièrement les deux dernières années. Pensez y
bien en élaborant votre budget.

M Mousseau, je n'ai aucune confiance en votre capacité de fournir
«la résolution permanente du problème des odeurs émanant du site
d'enfouissement de la rue Oakwood». Vous êtes sans objet et
incompétent dans cette situation.

Je vais continuer mes démarches et mes recherches afin de trouver
s'il y a un lien quelconque entre les actionnaires de la L.E.E.P.
et qui que ce soit à la ville. Le manque d'initiative, de cran
et de décence dont vous, M. Mousseau et vous Mme Worth, avez
faites preuve jusqu'à maintenant face aux citoyens subissant ces
odeurs nauséabondes démontre bien votre «Je m'en foutisme» et
surtout que vous n'êtes pas les leaders ayant vraiment les
intérêts de citoyens de Pierrefonds à coeur. Quelqu'un doit
mettre fin à votre règne d'indifférence et d'incompétence face à
cette situation. Mon seuil de tolérance est de loin dépassé et
la situation se doit d'être résolue.

Je vous invite toujours à venir visiter notre blog puanteur à


Veuillez agréer l'expression de ma considération distinguée.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

It still stinks...

Today was a bad day stink wise...

Last week we met with a local reporter who was doing an article on bio gazes. The article was published in "Cité Nouvelles" on Sunday (Oct. 01, 2006).

The one thing that she said during the interview, which hit home for me, was that she could feel our tension about this situation. When she said that it was almost as if she had voiced what I've been feeling for a while about this whole stinky mess.

Something has to give... soon...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Stinky return from vacation

We were away for one week on vacation nearby in the White Mountains. That was nice refreshging mountain air. The return home from vacation is always bittersweet, however in this case it was outright stinky. We knew from only our sense of smell that we were HOME. The stink was such a pleasant reminder that we had arrived at our destination.

Today, Monday August 28th, was even worse. When I got home from work (that's what people who can afford to pay the damn taxes do!), it stank around our home. Later we noticed that the disgusting smell was even getting in our house despite the closed doors and windows. I stuck my nose out the front door at 9:55 PM and 11:15 PM and each time I felt like puking. Yeah, puking from the smell coming from the L.E.E.P. landfill.

Marc Michot, director of the L.E.E.P., can be an ass and stink up our neighborhood, up to a point. But what really gets my goat is the f...ing elected officials who continue to allow this to happen. They are quite Worth-less, hahaha, I slay myself. I have to make jokes about the stupid situation to keep my sanity. They really take us for idiots. No compensation for the past, current or future stink and no balls to shut down the landfill operations.

By the people, for the people...

What great words which have absolutely nothing to do with Montreal politicians, particularly in the Pierrefonds-Roxboro burrough.

grant. I have been in contact with the media you mentioned, please keep me informed about further developments. I will post here. We have to stick it to these idiots, the ones who create the stink and the ones who allow the stink to continue while joyfully collecting our taxes in full and on time.